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Companies NOT registered for VAT purposes & w/o LC registered

avg. monthly from 35 EUR

Companies registered for VAT
purposes& w/o LC registered

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Companies registered for VAT
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Owner does not need to visit Bulgaria. We will help you to make all registration from your office. Manager will sign Power of Attorneys.

If the owner of the capital wishes – he can make a remote registration of the company. The owner of the capital does not need to come to Bulgaria. He or she has to send us notary certified Power of Attorneys. We will register the company within 3-4 days after receiving the payment of fees due. Management of the company has to complete a few obligatory registrations in addition.

Which foreign citizens can register companies in Bulgaria?

The focus of the article is the registration of a company by a foreign citizen in Bulgaria. We will explain which foreigners can register companies in Bulgaria. Secondly, should the respective foreigner live in the country, how much cost the registration of the company, etc.

All foreign citizens have the right to register their company in Bulgaria. There is no restriction on whether the foreigner concerned is a citizen of an EU Member State or not.

A special feature of the procedure and something that is often confused with the registration is that the foreigner ‘s personal data should also be written in Cyrillic. Should the owner live or reside in Bulgaria?

A foreign citizen does not have to live or reside in Bulgaria. However, the presence in the country at the moment of registration of the company is advisable, as the procedure is easier. This is due to the fact that the foreign citizen is most often a manager of the company and as such, he must declare his consent to perform this activity before Bulgarian notaries. Such notaries work, of course, only on the territory of the country. Abroad, please visit the services of the nearest Bulgarian diplomatic representation (embassy or consulate).

Also, the presence in the country makes easier for paying the company’s capital through a local bank account. Power of attorney fixes this problem.

Taxes administered by NRA

The following documents fill in at NRA’s offices (former tax divisions and territorial tax directorates):

  • Personal income tax returns,

  • Corporate income tax returns,

  • VAT returns.

Local taxes and fees administered by municipalities

The municipal administrations administer the Local taxes and fees (including building tax, garbage fee, taxes on vehicles, property acquisition taxes, inheritance taxes) but not the tax administration, as it was until the end of 2005. For more details on the payment of local taxes and fees, please contact the municipal administrations’ division within whose area of competence your permanent address falls.

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